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Deferment Policy

Deferment Policy
Policy Number: 2023/2 | Version: 1.0 | Effective Date: October 2023 | Review Date: Annual

The MEW School of Leadership acknowledges that students may face circumstances requiring a deferment of their studies. This policy outlines the procedures and conditions under which deferment requests are managed.

1. Requesting a Deferment

  • A student may request a deferment only if a valid reason is provided. The request must be expressed in writing and submitted to the school's management for review.
  • Proper approval from the school's management is required before any deferment is granted.
  • The duration of the deferment will be mutually agreed upon by both the student and the school, based on the severity of the reason provided.
  • A deferment reactivation fee will apply each time a student wishes to resume their studies after deferment. This fee will be determined based on mutual understanding between the school and the student, depending on the nature of the deferment.

2. Standard Deferment Fees

If a student defers their course for personal reasons or opts for a standard deferment, the following reactivation fees will apply:

  • 3 Months: A reactivation fee of $100 will be charged.
  • 3-6 Months: A reactivation fee of $200 will be charged.
  • 6-9 Months: A reactivation fee of $300 will be charged.
  • 9-12 Months: A reactivation fee of $500 will be charged. Additionally, the student's academic progress will be reset, meaning all completed coursework, lectures, submitted assignments, and attended webinars will be voided, requiring the student to restart the program from the beginning.

3. Inactivity on the Portal

  • If a student is inactive on the portal for 3 months, their course will automatically be suspended. Reactivation will be possible upon payment of a $100 reactivation fee.
  • If a student is inactive for more than 12 months without informing the school’s management in writing, their academic progress will be reset, and all fees paid for the program will be forfeited. To resume their studies, the student must re-enroll as a new student, with all prior academic progress and payments considered void.

4. Compliance Upon Reactivation

  • Upon reactivation after any deferment, the student must comply with all new policies and changes made during the deferment period.
  • This includes submitting any updated documents, personal information, and adhering to revised academic criteria or requirements.

This policy ensures clarity in managing deferments while maintaining academic integrity and operational efficiency.